Breast Reduction

What is a breast reduction?

Breast reduction is a surgery used to correct over-sized breasts. It is often performed to alleviate the discomfort, back pain, and neck pain, which can be associated with overly large breasts. It is also performed to enhance self-image. At the same time as it diminishes breast volume, this procedure has a “breast lifting” effect.


Usually lasting between an hour and a half and two hours, breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia and implies removing excess glandular, adipose (breast fat), and skin tissue, as well as transposing the nipple-areola area higher on the breast.

Depending on breast volume, a short scar technique can be used. This involves an incision around the nipple and a short vertical line below it. In larger reductions, it may be necessary to make the incisions in the shape of an inverted T or anchor. After the incision, the underlying breast tissue is reduced, lifted, and reshaped to diminish breast size and improve breast contour and firmness. The nipple and areola are then repositioned to a natural, more youthful height and if necessary, enlarged areolas are reduced. Blood supply to the nipple is maintained through a superior or inferior pedicle, depending on the technique used.


After the surgery, there may be some discomfort for a few days. It is usually possible to return to work within one to two weeks. Vigorous physical activity can only be undertaken after six weeks.

The scars usually fade over a period of six to twelve months but do not completely disappear.

Risks and Complications:

All surgeries expose patients to risks and complications. In cosmetic surgery, all efforts are made to minimize these risks, but they cannot be completely eliminated. A partial list of complications for breast reduction includes: scarring, infection, hematoma, loss of nipple sensation, difficulty breast-feeding, and nipple necrosis. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon as part of your decision making process.